CIAM: women as trouble makers in mergers and acquisitions
Les Echos profiles the CIAM hedge fund, headed by Catherine Berjal and Anne-Sophie d'Andlau, two women who have fought numerous battles over the past eight years to defend the interests of their investors. The weekly compares the two women to Colette Neuville, president of the Association of Minority Shareholders, who for years has led a battle not unlike that of CIAM. But the two founders of CIAM have a different approach: experts in market finance and mergers & acquisitions, they use all the levers at their disposal to defend the interests of their investors. "We have nothing to do with American activists who are particularly aggressive. Our approach to management is one of constructive engagement. Our approach is initially friendly. If that doesn't work, then yes, we have a plethora of instruments to achieve our objectives," comments Catherine Berjal in the Echos article, which provides important keys to understanding the world of activism in Europe and France.